On this page, you will find various letters for different year groups.
Year 6 Mathletics & SPAG home learning - letter to parentsPDF File
KS2 Mathletics & SPAG home learning - letter to parentsPDF File
KS1 Monster home learning - letter to parents PDF File
Letter to parents ofsted inspectionDOCX File
School inspections - a guide for parentsDOCX File
Parent letter NSPCC PANTS (1)PDF File
pants-parents-guide-online (1)PDF File
underwear-rule-guide-for-parents (1)PDF File
ISS_Dietary Safeguarding Policy_Jan 2021 (1)PDF File
Special diet referral formDOCX File
Discord-Parent-Guide (8)PDF File
discord (1)PDF File
OmeglePDF File
PSHE association Curriculum Overview - Copy (2)PDF File
RSE responsePDF File
Rules for live lessons (4)PDF File
Virtual home learning letter to parents 21.01.2021PDF File
permissions for live session recordingPDF File
TikTok letter to parentsPDF File
getting-started-with-SchoolPingPDF File
Bug Club guidePDF File
Instagram introduction.docPDF File
Instruction for accessing Bug Club (3)PDF File
Birthday BookPDF File