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Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School

Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School

Religious Education

"Religious Education enables children to explore and reflect on significant human questions and issues, helping them develop respect, understanding, and appreciation of different faiths and cultures, and fostering a sense of belonging and community in a diverse world."

Barnet Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education


At Wessex Gardens, we follow the Barnet Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (RE), ensuring that pupils are provided with a broad, inclusive, and balanced curriculum. The intent of our RE programme is to foster an appreciation of religion and its impact on individuals, communities, and societies. Through exploration of Christianity, world religions, and ethical beliefs, we aim to encourage pupils to develop their understanding of religious practices and teachings, while also nurturing respect, empathy, and critical thinking. The curriculum seeks to promote personal reflection, moral development, and a sense of responsibility towards others, empowering pupils to understand the diverse and significant role religion plays in the world around them.


Our R.E. lessons are rich with activities that bring learning to life. From investigating religious symbols and artefacts, to creating art inspired by sacred designs like mandalas, to exploring the role of music in worship, we help children connect with topics in creative and meaningful ways. We also take learning beyond the classroom, offering experiences that deepen understanding and build empathy, preparing students to engage thoughtfully in our multicultural society. Our RE curriculum is designed to provide engaging experiences and opportunities that promote understanding, reflection, and creativity, while meeting the statutory requirements of the Barnet Agreed Syllabus. 

  • Key Stage 1 (KS1): Pupils are introduced to key religious concepts through a range of experiences and opportunities that encourage creativity and personal reflection:

    • Visits to Places of Worship: Pupils will visit local places of worship and focus on understanding religious symbols and the emotions they evoke.
    • Visitors from Faith Communities: Pupils will listen to and engage with visitors from different faith communities, learning from their insights.
    • Quiet Reflection: Time for quiet reflection will be incorporated into lessons, allowing pupils to connect personally with the subject.
    • Creative Expression: Pupils will use art, design, music, dance, and drama to express their understanding and develop their creative talents.
    • Sharing Beliefs and Experiences: Pupils will be encouraged to talk about their own beliefs, ideas, values, and personal experiences.
    • ICT: Pupils will begin to use ICT to explore religions and beliefs, both within their local community and beyond.
  • Key Stage 2 (KS2): Pupils will deepen their understanding of religious concepts and their impact on both local and global communities through a range of enriching experiences:

    • Visitors and Visits to Places of Worship: Encounters with visitors and visits to places of worship will allow pupils to explore how religion impacts both local and global communities.
    • Religious and Philosophical Discussion: Pupils will engage in discussions about religious and philosophical questions, forming and articulating reasons for their beliefs as well as understanding those of others.
    • Reflection on Life’s Big Questions: Pupils will consider a range of human experiences, reflecting on insights into life, its origin, purpose, and meaning.
    • Expressing Insights: Pupils will communicate their insights through art, design, music, dance, drama, and ICT, enriching their learning experiences.
    • Enhanced ICT Use: ICT will be used to enhance pupils’ awareness of religions and beliefs, with particular focus on local communities.

At the end of Key Stage 2, pupils should have achieved the following key learning outcomes:

  • Understanding Religious Backgrounds: Pupils will understand what it means to come from a religious background and how religion is often of great personal significance to individuals.
  • Dispelling Myths: Pupils will explore and challenge myths that often surround different religions.
  • Appreciation of Religious Diversity: Pupils will appreciate the diversity within and between religious groups, recognising that there are often multiple groups within a religion itself.
  • Global Perspective on Religion: Pupils will understand that religions are global and recognise the role of religion in both the local Barnet community and the wider London area.
  • Experiencing Religious Diversity: Pupils will have had the opportunity to visit places of religious significance in the local borough and meet people from different faith communities.


The impact of our RE curriculum at Wessex Gardens is seen in the development of pupils who are well-informed, respectful, and open-minded towards diverse religious and ethical perspectives. By the end of Key Stage 2, our pupils will have gained a broad understanding of religion’s influence on individual lives, communities, and global affairs. They will leave Wessex Gardens:

  • Confident and Respectful: Pupils will have a clear understanding of their own faith and beliefs while respecting and valuing those of others.
  • Critical Thinkers: Pupils will be able to critically analyse religious and moral issues, making informed, reasoned decisions.
  • Creatively Expressive: Pupils will be able to express their insights into religious matters through various forms of creative expression, including art, music, and drama.
  • Reflective and Informed: Pupils will have the ability to reflect on significant philosophical and existential questions, developing their own sense of meaning and purpose in life.
  • Globally Minded: Pupils will appreciate the global nature of religion and its role in shaping societies both locally and internationally, contributing to a sense of community cohesion.

Through these experiences and opportunities, our RE curriculum not only meets the requirements of the Barnet Agreed Syllabus but also nurtures pupils’ personal and social development, preparing them to engage in a religiously diverse world with understanding, empathy, and respect. The long-term impact will be seen in pupils’ ability to live in harmony with others, promoting social cohesion, respect for diversity, and responsible citizenship.

In our RE curriculum, pupils are prepared for responsible citizenship, with a strong foundation in values such as justice, truth, and respect for others. They are equipped to contribute positively to their communities and society as a whole, with an understanding of how religion can shape individual lives, cultures, and communities both locally and globally.

The long-term impact will be seen in the students’ ability to respect and engage with the world’s religious diversity, promoting social cohesion, and countering extremism and religious discrimination.

We warmly welcome parents and community members to volunteer and share their own religious or cultural experiences with us! Whether through storytelling, explaining traditions, or introducing special artefacts, we are warmly extending our hands to invite YOU to bring invaluable insights to our classrooms and enrich our children’s learning. If you’re interested in volunteering, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

We invite you to learn more about our R.E. program and join us in our mission to educate respectful, thoughtful, and compassionate pupils.