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Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School

Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School



Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


The provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is strong. This group of pupils receive high- quality care and support to ensure that they make good progress from their staring points. Ofsted: November 2017

Wessex Gardens Primary and Nursery School has an inclusive ethos and works in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes. We have high expectations of all our children and put support in place at the earliest possible stage where needed.  

 All children are treated as individuals and the class teacher, alongside other support staff, plan an appropriately differentiated curriculum for children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support and resource. Clear Individual Support Plans (ISPs) and/or Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) are put in place and reviewed regularly with evidence gathered of impact of interventions used. Key assessments are then made to ensure children are on track to meet targets and that planning accurately addresses need. Progress and plans are regularly reviewed and evaluated to inform next steps.

Children are involved in setting of personal targets and review their progress alongside teachers and support staff. Parents are vital partners in the child’s journey through school and are invited to attend review meetings of their child’s progress three times a year or more often if needed and encouraged to engage in supporting learning in different ways. 

Staff in school are trained, and have worked alongside other professionals, to develop their skills, knowledge and expertise in specific areas of SEN e.g. speech and language and dyslexia. Support is sought from other agencies where necessary in order to maximise learning potential e.g. Speech and Language service, Occupational Health service, Childhood and Mental Health Service (CAMHS) and educational psychologists.

 The school’s policies, available on the website, reflect the school’s commitment to inclusion, safety and well-being of children.

Visit the Barnet Local Offer website to find information and support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families, from the Barnet area. 

Equal Opportunities

‘The relationships between pupils and staff are warm and friendly. Consequently pupils are happy and they feel well cared for.’ Ofsted: November 2017

At Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School we firmly believe in the equality of all, irrespective of age, sex, race, religion, class or ability. All pupils have equal access to the curriculum, so that each child has the opportunity to learn and achieve.

We strive to create an environment that reflects the local community, and work hard to make sure the whole ethos of the school promotes tolerance, understanding and the well-being of all.

In practice, this means that Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School makes positive actions in a number of key areas:

  • Challenge stereotypes, myths and bias
  • Discuss values and prejudices
  • Present positive images
  • Give pupils access to diverse historical narratives
  • Ensure the suitability of resources

More Able Pupils

 Meeting the needs of our more able pupils, and those with particular talents such as art, music, sport, etc, is part of our commitment to ensuring suitable educational opportunities for all. We have high expectations of achievement and are committed to providing

  • a positive, inclusive culture
  • a rich and challenging curriculum.

This enables all children to maximize their potential and includes those children who display particular ability or talent.

 We recognise the needs of the more able child within a framework of equal opportunity and mixed ability teaching, and provide opportunities for more able children to develop their specific skills and talents.

 We do this through:

  • Having high expectations
  • Well developed assessment for learning
  • Differentiated tasks/questions that are designed to take account of levels of existing knowledge, skills and understanding.
  • Planning challenging open-ended tasks
  • Specialist teaching
  • Personalised progression
  • Teaching and learning that makes effective use of ICT strategies
  • Curriculum choice/flexibility
  • Promoting ‘learnability’ qualities (Building Learning Power)

 In addition, we aim to:

  • Encourage all children to be independent learners
  • Recognise and celebrate achievement, including achievements from outside of school
  • Provide work at an appropriate level
  • Be aware of the effects of ethnicity, bilingualism, gender and social circumstances on learning and high achievement
  • Provide opportunities for all children to work with like-minded peers.
  • Make opportunities for more able and/or talented pupils to work together
  • Provide opportunities for performance
  • Provide opportunities for pupil leadership/peer mentoring

Children who have been recognised as having a special talent will be regularly monitored and discussed with the Inclusion Leader.