Safeguarding refers to the policies, procedures, and practices implemented to ensure the safety, well-being, and protection of children. It includes creating a safe environment, teaching children about staying safe, and responding appropriately to concerns about a child's welfare.
We have rigorous procedures in place to ensure that all our children are as happy, healthy and safe as possible. If you have any suggestions to improve any aspect of our school, please let us know.
Child Protection is part of Safeguarding
If anyone has any concerns in relation to child protection please contact Mr Banks or Ms Sharif. The Governor responsible for Child Protection is Mrs Zinkin who visits school regularly. If we receive information about a child from anyone we always contact the parents of the child unless we feel that the child is at immediate risk. We aim to educate and empower children to increasingly take responsibility for their own health and safety.
If you or your child have any concerns about anything or need support you could:
• Talk to your child’s class teacher
• Talk to Mr Banks the Designated Safeguarding Lead ( DSL) or to Ms Sharif, Deputy DSL.
• Contact Child Line 0800 11 11
• Contact NSPCC 0808 800 5000
This website has lots of useful information
Wessex Gardens Primary & Nursery School
Safeguarding Team
Alexander Banks
Leila Sharif |
Jacqui Zinkin |